“When life is meaningless and everything is hopeless, where do you go …?”
“A mentally ill person feels neglected by society and takes revenge”


A misanthropic short by


Our lead character grew up in an dysfunctional family that give him mental and emotionelle damage for life.

He has been traumatized by an hard life with neglect and mental abuse by an alcoholic and psychopath father.

This made him push away everybody that loved him. Because he could not handle positiv emotions.

While he was suffering from depression he was a victim of bullying and gross harassment from his school mates, his friends and family..

This has only made him more mentally ill and pushed him out over the edge into the abyss of life.

He has isolated himself .. and he has bought a gun !

Fade up from black:

Int: Lead Character one room apartment, morning.

The lead character is laying on an poor sleeping arrangement, on his side with his back to the camera. – Silence for a while, The the voice over breaks the silence.

Voice over:
• Life slowly comes to a standstill.

Lead character still laying with his back to the camera . Then turn around on his other side with his front showing towards the camera. He looks bad and depressed.

Cut to:
CU: Of lead characters face, you see in his eye and face that he looks sad.
CU: White wall over lead characters bed, He sits up and his head appears in the frame. Cut to:

A shot overseeing the characters one room apartment from above. Beside the bed there are a blanket spread out on the floor where a water bong and some books and a little pistol is placed. The character reaches for the bong.

CU: the character reaches for the bong and in the frame besides the bong is the pistol placed.

Cut to:
CU: The character stuff his bong head with hash and tobacco.

CU: The bong head is placed in the homemade bong and is flared by a lighter. The bong head is sucked by the lead character.

CU: The lead character blows out the smoke. Cut to:

The lead sitting in his bed with his back to the wall. He is stoned and is letting the hash work in his body.

Voice over:
• Broken illusions . Day and nights . Life has not turned out the way it supposed to be

. Selling the hollywood tv dream . In your childhood you believed in good . Now life is bad. A childhood dream kollaps !

CU: Lead character is drinking a lot from a bottle of water. Cut to:

The lead character standing in front of a mirror, studying himself. Touching himself in the face with his hands.

Voice over:
• Matter, ooze , slim … My body dissolves , the matter fade into oblivion. I disappear

into the void. What is the meaning with this. What is the meaning with this life. What is the meaning.

Cut to:

In jump cuts we see the character gets dressed and at the end puts a pistol down in front of his pants. The character walks out of the frame.

Cut to:

EXT: Outside at the front door of the characters apartment.

The door opens and the character walks out and walks to the right out of the frame.

EXT: Town street, day.

CU: Of the lead characters bare feet walking on the asfalt.

Cut to: The character in half CU. walks down a street. The humans who walks on the street all have white faceless masks on.

Voice over:
– A human world in disharmony on a planet in harmony.The human world destroying the

perfect harmony of nature. Thereby human destroying its own nature. Getting more and more astray from the nature human come from. Destroying humans inner nature. Destroying the harmony . A world devoured in all human greed. A virus eating the world. An infection who sickens the world. A sick world who sickens the humans own nature. The human destroys its own nature. We are all destroyers, we are all killers. The world dies screaming.

Cut to: The Character turn around and the camera zooms out from him to showing him feeling alone and outside of society in the middle of the street, where all people stands still all waring the faceless masks.

Cut to: A homelees persons sits on the ground whit bags, carpets and warm glose. He is holding a can where people can put money in. Paople passes by without notice him. into the frame comes our lead character and walks by him , then quick turn back based and put some coins in his can. The character stand beside the homeless person observing the people passing by.

Voice over:
– indifference for your fellow beings , indifference for your neighbor. Who could ,if we open

up our hearts , might be our best friends.

EXT: Outside the lead characters apartment.

The character walks into the frame and finds his keys, look up the door and walks in.

INT: Characters apartment, day.

Cut to: on the planket in front of his bed, where some books lays beside his big chump og hash. he lay down his pistol.

CU: Of tobacco is being roasted over a candle. CU: Has being warmed up with a lighter.
CU: The hash is being crumpled into the tobacco CU: Hash and tobacco is being mixed together. CU: The bong head is being stuffed.

CU: the bong head is placed in the bong.
CU: The bong head is being lit.
CU: The bobbeling water in the bong.
CU: In profile – The lead character exhale the smoke.

The character sits in the bed whit his back to the wall. hard cold stoned.

Voice over:
– The world screams at you “come and join our collective suicide by a all consuming human decadence”. No one will give up they comfort . We are on a road to self- destruction. Now nature fights back. The whole planet is violent.

Cut to: The character stands in front of the mirror again. looking more hard and cold then ever.

Voice over:
– If I can not change the world around. I must change myself. Closing myself inside my

body. Destroying my ego. Only basic needs should be covered. Life must be a minimum. Build a hard wall on the outside, To protect me. I’m in control , I’m in control.

Cut to: The character rolling around on the floor screaming loud, a scream of pain and frustrations.

Cut to: The Character goes to bed and lay himself down on the back looking up in the sealing.

CU: Of the character looking up in the sealing, passed the camera. his eyes is cold and hard.

Voice over:
– If I die now, who will be at my funeral. Nobody I guess. Nobody will be at my funeral .

Nobody will care, nobody would miss me. I’m afraid to die alone. With nobody to comfort me. They will find me rotten and stinking up the whole neighborhood.

Fade to black screen:

Voice over:
– Everybody seems cold and distance.

Text on black screen:

Cut to:
Dream scene:

People with the faceless masks looks down on the camera and start yelling.

– Its your own fault Stay fucked
You are a loser.
Im better then you. You stink.
You are disgusting You are stupid. Pervert.


Then the dream turn into the characters farther also with a faceless mask and drinking a beer. The farther yells at the camera also.

– I’m better then you. Its your own fault. You deserve it.
You are weak.
Give me money.

Cut to: Black screen.
Cut to:
INT: Characters apartment, day.
CU: A cigaret is being lit and our lead character smokes, sitting in his bed on the floor.

Voice over:
– Outside time and place I am located. With a brain in constant rotation around the

moon. On a planet in constant rotation around the sun. I am located on a cold and dark place in the infinite time and space. In the un-infinite galaxy, in the infinite universe.

Cut to: Lead character drinks from a bottle of water.

Cut to: In jump cuts the character gets dressed and at the end he stuffs his pistol down the front of his pants.

EXT: Outside characters apartment, day.

A little girl dressed as a cowboy stands leaning with her back to the wall, she has pistols in both hands and uses one of the pistols to tip her cowboy hat. The character comes out of the door and the little girl starts jumping around and shoots with her two pistols at the character. The character stops and lets the girl play her came.

Voice over:
– Kid are learned from a young age to play war, to fight, to kill. To compete and survive.

To win, not to lose. To be superior. To be on top of the food chain.

The character walk away from the girl and out of the frame.

Cut to: The character walks down a street. The camera filming him in profile.

Voice over:
– Everybody plays a role in society and I will play mine . But I don`t play it by the book.


EXT: Outside a kiosk, The character walks into the kiosk, day.

INT: Inside the kiosk, at the counter. A man in a suit talks to the kiosk owner. Both wearing the faceless masks.

Man in suit:
– You decide yourself if you are homeless or not. They can just stop taking drugs and get

them self together, get a grip, clean up and go out to take a job. Its there own choice. They should take responsibility of there own life!

The lead character walks up to the counter. and both kiosk owner and the man looks at him.

Kiosk owner:
– Can I help you?

Lead Character: (With a high pitched voice)- Bali Shag tobacco please.

The man in the suit looks at the lead characters feet who is naked.

Man in suit:
– How about some shoes?

The lead character looks at the man in the suit with his hard cold eyes. Then he put money on the counter and take the tobacco, placed on the counter by the kiosk owner. The character walks out of the frame. Both kiosk owner and the man in suit lookss after him.

Kiosk owner:
– There goes a strange story.

EXT: Park, day.

The lead character walks into a park, in the background of the picture is a church.

Voice over:
– The surroundings make me sick. The humans makes me ill. They prey upon the weak

who is different. To fell more self-confidence. They are selfish, egoist, narcissists, psychopath, sadistic, evil.

In the park two girls are playing frisbee. Both girls are wearing the faceless masks. The character walk to a bench and sits down, he take out his tobacco and rolling paper. he observes the girls playing frisbee.


Voice over:
– They are not living, just passing time

The girls keep playing the frisbee.

Cut to: The camera filming from above the character and you see his bare feet and his hands rolling a cigaret. The girls loose the frisbee and it ends up between the characters bare feet. One of the girl runs to the character to pick up the frisbee. The character pick up the frisbee and the girl takes the frisbee at the other end, then for just a moment creating at connection between those two. The girl who bends down in eye hight with the character takes of her masks and for a moment there is a connection. But the lead character withdraw himself and looks away. The girls friend is yelling at her.

Friend of girl:
– Don`t talk to him, he is a weird-do!.

The girl in front of the character puts her masks on again and takes the frisbee and runs back to her friend.

Friend of girl:
– You should keep away from such kind of people.

The character leans back on the bench, smoking his cigaret. INT: Characters apartment, day.

The character sits naked in foster position in a corner. Three cuts from full picture to medium picture to close up.

Voice over:
– You are finding your self on the bottom of the deepest ocean. Surrounded by cold heavy

dark water that forces you down. Down there where the rays of the sun don`t reach. You are finding yourself surrounded by darkness and you will soon drown and your lungs will painful be filled up from dark cold water. You only want one thing and it is up into the light and breathe the air.

The character sits naked on the floor and rocks back and forth hitting himself in the head with his hand.

Voice over:
– Humans does not deserve to live.

The character stands naked leaning with his hands towards a wall, his head hangs down between his arms.

Voice over:
– You bastards you step on me, beat me to the ground.You kick a man down in the

hole.You assholes you kill my soul, you kill my mind, you kill me.


Cut to: The character points his pistol to the side of his head.

Cut to: The character points his pistol in the mouth, in the left side of the frame in profile.

Cut to: The character points his pistol to his heart.

Cut to: The character point the pistol under his head in the right side of the frame on the right, in profile.

Cut to: The character point his pistol on his forehead, in the left side of the frame in profile.

Cut to: The character points his pistol towards the camera.

Voice over:
– War, slavery, genocide, raping, killing, devour the planet in greed, thats what our

ancestors build our society on , thats our legacy. They destroy, therefore I destroy. They kill, therefore I kill…. – A ticking bomb under the system.

Text on black Screen:

Cut to: Dream scene.

People with the faceless masks looks down on the camera and start yelling.

– Its your own fault Stay fucked
You are a loser.
Im better then you. You stink.
You are disgusting You are stupid. Pervert.

Then the dream turn into the characters farther also with a faceless mask and drinking a beer. The farther yells at the camera also.

– I’m better then you. Its your own fault. You deserve it.
You are weak.
Give me money.


Black screen:

Marek`s laugh from KICKING DOWNWARDS, rings over the black screen.

Cut to:

INT: Lead characters apartment, day.

CU: A letter is written.

Text on letter:


Cut to black screen:

EXT: Town street, day.

The character stands on the street and look at people with faceless masks passing by. Suddenly he walks a few steps behind a woman.

Voice over:
– Who ́s the victim now.

He pulls out his pistol and shout the woman in the back. Panic spreads and another woman screams. The character shoot her down also. People start running away and takes cover. the character steps over the bloody body of the first woman he shot and points his pistol on a man.

Victim man:
– Don ́t shoot, don ́t shoot.

The character shoots him down in cold blood and points his pistol on a man running away from the crime scene. He shoots him in the back of the head. CU: Mans head explode and blood sprays on the camera. The character turns around and walk back with his pistol pointing in the air. A man is laying on the street taking cover with his hands over his head. The character walks up to him and points his pistol down on his head. The man laying on the street thinks he can hide behind his hands, but the character shoots him in cold blood. Then the character walks a few straps back and sits down on the street. He points his pistol in his mouth.

Cut to black screen:

The sound of the pistol going off.

TEXT: On black screen:



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