The Exquisite Corpse Video Project (ECVP) is a unique video collaboration among artists from all over the world, inspired by the Surrealist creation method, the “Exquisite Corpse”. Coordinated by Brazilian artist Kika Nicolela, invited participants create video art in response to the final seconds of the previous member’s work. Each artist is asked to incorporate these seconds into their piece, creating transitions as they please, until everyone’s vision is threaded together into an instigating final “corpse.”

The ECVP Vol. 2 was made in 2009 and was based upon 12 different themes.

MACHINES is a collaboration between the following artists:

Niclas Hallberg (Sweden)
John Pirard (Belgium)
Anthony Siarkiewicz (USA)
Jan Hakon Erichsen (Norway)
Danny Germansen (Denmark)
Kim Thøgersen Grønborg (Denmark)


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